Car Clearing Agents in Lagos Nigeria
Industrial Renaissance Ltd. is a one-stop-shop customs clearing agency in Nigeria and provides car dealers and car importers with solution to importing cars into Nigeria. Whether you are looking to bring your car across the Nigerian border or to import a vehicle from overseas, Industrial Renaissance team of experts can help!
Industrial Renaissance offers a full range of customs clearing services in Nigeria. We handle all the paperwork and provide solutions for a smooth, efficient, and professional importation process.
Here are a few key steps to follow when importing an automobile or a car into Nigeria.
- Check vehicle admissibility in Nigeria;
- Meet Nigeria Customs Service documentation requirements;
- Retain the services of a fully licensed customs agent, don’t deal with touts (you can ask for a copy of the agent’s Licensed Certificate issued by the Nigeria Customs Service);
- Bill of Lading with the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), Make, Model, and Model Year;
- All original documents;
- Accessed duties must be paid upon entry. Duties are based on the vehicle’s manufacturing year and model.
To provide car dealers and importers with the most efficient and reliable service possible, Industrial Renaissance Ltd. has established a department dedicated to car-related imports. From a customs and logistics company whose track record is second to none, you get:
- One-stop service from anywhere in Nigeria for all your vehicle import needs;
- An experienced representative assigned specifically to your account – your assurance that all your questions and needs will be handled personally by a member of our car import team intimately familiar with your import;
- Real-time information at your fingertips.
Industrial Renaissance Ltd. provides custom clearance solutions to ensure your car hit the ground running on arrival in Nigeria. With us as your customs clearing service provider, cross-border delays and the penalty for customs non-compliance will be things of the past.
Leveraging our customs brokerage experience, we’ll ensure your car shipments from overseas make their way to their destinations as soon as they are offloaded from ship or ocean vessel.
- Customs clearance
- Tariff classification
- Customs document preparation
- Customs bonds
- Regulatory compliance
- Online access to car shipment tracking, electronic versions of your customs clearance documentation and management reporting
- Customs Consulting
- Last-mile delivery.
For further enquiries and fee quotes, please call at +2348187019206, email at
Car Clearing Agents in Lagos Nigeria